Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Net Neutrality

Just to remind us that corporate shills aren't strictly the domain of the democratic party...

GOP senators declare war on Net neutrality

“I am deeply concerned by the direction the FCC appears to be heading,” Sen. Hutchison said in a statement. “Even during a severe downturn, America has experienced robust investment and innovation in network performance and online content and applications. For that innovation to continue, we must tread lightly when it comes to new regulations."

Soo... Premptively banning regulation that presumably bans regulation will... Allow for innovation? I'm not following, KB.


  1. I think a lot of politicians don't understand the Internet's series of tubes and such.

  2. Yeah, it'd be nice if her statement didn't sound like it was written by AT&T's PR shop.

  3. Basically it sounds like she is in the tank for the ISPs that might get regulated by the FCC in regards to Net Neutrality.

    I don't know why anyone would/should be against Net Neutrality.
