Friday, September 25, 2009

Obama and allies in a corner

Barack Obama called Iran's activity "a direct challenge" to the international community.

The accusations were made public in an extraordinary joint statement by the US President, flanked by Gordon Brown and the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy before the start of the G20 economic summit in Pittsburgh.

The new revelation sharply raises the stakes at a time when Israel has been signalling that military strikes against Iran are on the table.

"The Iranian government must now demonstrate through deeds its peaceful intentions or be held accountable to international standards and international law," Mr Obama said. His French and British peers portrayed even deeper indignation. "The level of deception by the Iranian government and the scale of what we believe is a breach of international commitments, will shock and anger the whole international community and it will harden our resolve," Mr Brown said, adding that it was time to "draw a line in the sand". He went on: "This is the third time they have been caught red-handed, not telling the truth."

So here you have it Barack...

You are hoping that Russia and China support new and extreme sanctions on Iran

You are hoping the British and French stay strong and support these sanctions

You are hoping the Israeli's don't attack


If Russia and China don't step in you will have two options:

1) Attack (or allow Israel to attack, though you JUST chastised Israel this week and told them you DID NOT support them)

2) Issue a strongly worded letter via Hans Blix

How timely that you have spent the month pissing off your allies just when you need their support the most.

China is thoroughly pissed after you started a trade war.

You just submitted to Russia's will and dismantled the missile shield.

and now you want to ask for their support??

let's not forget that you are also asking China to buy the majority of our debt (aka spending, aka stimulus, aka bailouts, aka would-be-health-care)

Well there you go Barack, welcome to big-boy leadership... whatcha gonna do?

1 comment:

  1. ... let me add that IF Russia signs on and IF China supports and IF Israel doesn't go ballistic... I will totally and completely take my hat of to Barack Huessian Obama mmmm mmmm mmm
