Thursday, September 24, 2009

Once again, America leads by example

Who watches most television?

DESPITE an increase in entertainment choices, watching television remains as popular as ever, according to data from the OECD's Communications Outlook report. American households watch the box for over eight hours a day on average, twice as long as anyone else. Viewing has fallen in some countries. Turks reportedly watched an hour's less television per day in 2007 than they did only two years earlier, when the country was America's nearest rival as couch-potato king.

Just to be clear, I blame Bush for this too, as I clearly did in "LOLOLObama luvs himself" opinion piece from yesterday.


  1. Well obviously its Bush's fault why do you think more people are watching FoxNews for the cable news fix?

    Clearly Bush had something to with it!

    Jimmy, I didn't say you blamed Bushed, I said Matt compared Obama to Bush. You just diminished an opinion article because of its source... diminishing an opinion rather than providing an opinion, that's a recipe for honest debate.

  2. Who the hell is watching 8 hours of TV a day?

    I have on average about 3 hours of free time per day. And I don't spend it all watching TV.

  3. I'm diminishing the whole fucking medium, Michael. Cable news does little else but contribute to the hurrrrrrrrr-durrrrr/football game approach to political debate.

    "Diminishing an opinion rather than providing an opinion."

    You mean copying and pasting someone else's opnion?

  4. Oh ok, diminishing the medium, much clearer.

    "You mean copying and pasting someone else's opnion?"

    Its called sources, which have been discredited, thanks.

    And your recommended 'approach to political debate' is?.....

  5. Honestly, dude, you lose me when we get into these quote cul de sacs. I never have any idea what we're talking about anymore.
