Monday, January 19, 2009

England: What Not To Do

This is exactly why we can't let Obama's administration take our guns.

I like at the end how he says that the Americans have a saying: "It's better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6."


  1. But all the stats I can find show England having considerably less gun crime and homicides than the US. Like wikipedia. Of course it would be a fallacy to simply correlate that to the fact that they have less guns. It could be Brits are simply less violent than we are. But they are certainly touchy about their fox hunting. Nevermind all the other civil liberties and privacy infractions in England, but don't touch my fox hunting!

  2. " England having considerably less gun crime and homicides than the US..."

    In the video they're talking about England having an increase in gun related crime since the guns were banned. That doesn't have anything to do with the US.

  3. From YouTube: "Where were these voices 6 years ago?"

    Umm I'm assuming they were hoping the slope wasn't as slippery as it was.

    As with our previous hot button issues, it is all a matter of where you are on the slope. Its a gigantic gray area and I'm scared whenever we get too close to the edge of either end of the slope.

    My personal belief is that I will land on the opposite side of which ever side of the slope has slipped the furthest. Even if that means I change which group or perspective I support.

    Its a shame when people are too stubborn to know when we have eroded common sense. Too stubborn to know that they have won their battle and its time to stop the fight.
