Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hey Fatty!

2 out of every 3 Americans are overweight or obese. 

Whoo hoo I'm a minority! Give me a scholarship!

The most troubling stat:

"In May, the CDC reported that 32 percent of U.S. children fit the definition of being overweight, 16 percent were obese and 11 percent were extremely obese."


  1. Well according to the CDC I'm still slightly overweight even after losing more than 50 pounds, which is kind of depressing. I'm still working on that though. I'm eating a salad right now, no joke.

    But seriously, as a formerly obese person, being fat sucks. Trying to convince people that it's obviously unhealthy to be overweight just isn't going to cut it. You have to give them something more tangible.

    So here you go fatties - You get laid way more often if you lose weight. Lose enough weight and you don't even have to try. Fit people like to have sex with other fit people.

    People treat you better in general too. That cute bartista at the coffee shop will start being nice to you, you'll succeed more in business, and friends that you already have will think you're ever cooler, because you will be.

    It's not even that hard to lose a lot of weight. Here's my guide to getting fit. Don't drink anything except water or gatorade, eat everything in salad form, and run like 3 miles a day, you'll be in great shape in no time.


  2. Here's where we're going wrong with the obesity problem:

    To ban or not to ban Bisphenol-A

    They want to ban this chemical that may lead to weight gain, heart disease, etc..

    Ok, here's my analogy. I saw a fat guy riding like $3k bicycle today. So like $2500 of that $3k got him a bike that's maybe 5 pounds lighter than a $500 bike. Just lose 5 pounds asshole!! that's way cheaper than buying an expensive bike.

    know what I'm saying? big picture folks. (now we probably should ban this stuff if it's as bad as it might be, but let's use our resources a little more wisely.) Make PE twice as long in school, that's cheap and means less future adults on Medicare.


  3. Being skinny is for fags.

    I ate In-N-Out for lunch.

  4. Matt,

    I'm all for your approach, but for some reason we have to worry about 'feelings' now. And fat kids have feelings. Nowadays we are forced to look at fatness as a disease not a personal choice. Much like alcoholism, see South Park episode.

    That being said, I think the "Fat people die earlier, get laid less, make less money and aren't cool" campaign is a great idea. Because labeling Big Macs and french fries with their calorie content isn't working.

    Also, I'm willing to believe that there is some percentage of the population that is genetically predisposed to being heavier than average. But I'm also pretty sure its not 60%+

  5. Here is my favorite fat-fallacy:

    "This diet didn't work!! I lost 10lbs, but as soon as I stopped the diet I put it all back on!"


    Its like people think its easy to lose weight or keep it off and that the diet is to blame. I have been in the gym or running on average at least 2 days a week for 15 years. Lifestyle choices.

    On that note has anyone been watching the Biggest Loser?
