Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's Speech

As soon as the applause had died down, an African American standing man near me on the Mall said to his friend: "I thought the speech was shit." Another woman said, correctly, that "we had heard it all before at other events".

For the record, I pinged Jimmy shortly after the speech and made this very point. I'm not being biased here, I honestly thought the speech was shit. To paraphase Jimmy "there was no hook". 

I thought the speech was all over the place the there was no clear message. 

Finally, the author of this article brings up a point that worries me. "the emphasis on sacrifice was too weak". All we have heard for 3 months (from both parities) is "bailout", "stimulus", "tax break"... the sense I get from the majority of Americans (most of whom are Obama supporters) is that the reason we are in this economic mess is because someone else focked up. Wallstreet, China, Bush, Unions, Banks, Credit Cards, Student Loans, Health Care, Energy etc etc list goes on. 

Yeah, times are tough for many Americans, but I had a long conversation with my grandfather last week and the point he reiterated was that we are nowhere near a depression, we have so much, we expect so much and really do so little. 

If we really are going to fix all the problems Obama mentioned in his speech people really need to sacrifice. I don't think people are yet willing to give up anything. Quite the opposite if you ask me, they want "Mo money, Mo money, Mo money!"


  1. I do want to say that the historical significance of the day was not lost on me. If people feel better and have more hope because of Barack that makes me happy and proud to be an American. I don't have to agree with the guy to respect him or the history that was made yesterday.

    Right or wrong, I will certainly feel better about traveling to Europe. No more crapping on American's "Oh-bah-mah! Oh-bah-mah!" (not to mention Kenya is in our back pocket now.)

  2. The Daily Show did a nice job comparing the rhetoric of yesterday's speech to much of Bush's own rhetoric the last several years. Many passages and phrases were eerily similar, if not outright identical. So in that regard, yeah, the speech was shit. And I thought Jon Stewart was also in Obama's pocket...

  3. What did I say yesterday? Build 'em up, knock 'em down.

    But to your point, I have read several articles about the Bush:Obama similarities. Obviously ideology-wise they are different, but apparently their management styles, inner circle, press conferences etc all are also eerily similar.

    Glad you are staying informed Jimmy, I caught up on Weekend Update last night by watching a couple old SNLs on the DVR :)

  4. Sacrifice, bailouts, fairness, stimulus...

    I got an idea. GET A FUCKING JOB PEOPLE.

  5. To your grandfather's point that we "do so much yet expect so little," I couldn't agree more. And I think that goes for everyone, including us.

  6. "including us."

    Especially us.

    Maaaaaaan we don't jack about sacrifice! Fortunately for us we know we don't know jack about it. What pisses me off are people who think that life is rough because they can't pay off $20k in credit card debt while driving a new car and watching cable TV.

  7. Speak for yourselves man. I work 3 (sometimes 4) jobs to pay my bills, buy my toys, and put a little away.

    I don't feel guilty for working my ass off and profiting from it.

    If by "us" you mean most Americans, then yes I agree.

  8. Jay, you haven't worked an honest day's work in your life.

  9. Bullshit man. I average 55-65 hours a week. More than you slackers.

  10. I see both of your points here.

    Jay works hard, harder than most people. He gets rewarded for that and lives well.

    I think what Koj is touching on is more along the line of what I was getting at.

    When I said "we don't know jack about sacrifice" I meant "we don't know what is like to hard, harder than most people, and barely get by"

    That is sacrifice.

    Jay works hard, but that is not what I meant by sacrifice(even though he makes sacrifices).

  11. The people that need to sacrifice are the people who are lazy and make bad decisions with their life. Instead of "stimulating" their cable bill with my tax dollars, they should sacrifice cable.

  12. And that I agree with.

    But I still don't think we know what it means to really make sacrifices.
