Monday, January 19, 2009

Good job Obama

Gotta hand it to Obama on this one. 

Over the last three months, Mr. Obama has quietly consulted Mr. McCain about many of the new administration’s potential nominees to top national security jobs and about other issues — in one case relaying back a contender’s answers to questions Mr. McCain had suggested.

Mr. McCain, meanwhile, has told colleagues “that many of these appointments he would have made himself,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and a close McCain friend.

Fred I. Greenstein, emeritus professor of politics at Princeton, said: “I don’t think there is a precedent for this. Sometimes there is bad blood, sometimes there is so-so blood, but rarely is there good blood.”

Similarly, the Bush Administration has been especially open and transparent with the incoming Obama team. I saw a report on Sunday Morning yesterday about how unprecedented levels of coordination has been going on between the Bush and Obama teams in regards to Homeland security and Domesday scenarios. Obviously both camps care enough about this country to do everything they can to make sure the new team is prepared in the event of a terror attack soon after inauguration. So again, hats off to Obama for being smart enough to know that there is a lot he can learn from the outgoing Administration and humble enough to ask a for rival for advice. 

Can I got back to criticizing him now?


  1. Electing someone because they're black, have unprecedented media support, and most importantly are NOT Bush, doesn't mean you get the most experienced or qualified president.

    He needs help cuz he doesn't know jack shit about national defense.

  2. He needs help cuz he doesn't know jack shit about national defense

    I very happy that he is smart enough to know he doesn't know jack shit.

    I don't think we are going to see any major deviation from our current Iraq policy. We are going to see a 'surge' in Afghanistan by redeploying troops from a more stable Iraq. I think Bush/McCain would have done this any way.

    Bottom line: I'm not too concerned about Iraqistan. Obama is making a good decision here.
