Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where is the Obama love?

Where is all the Obama love?

All I have heard from everyone besides Jay is how a) we should wait to criticize Obama until he's had a chance to govern and b) comedians are supposed to wait until Obama is funny before they can make fun of him.  

Am I supposed to believe that everyone is cool with the latest stimulus package? Mmmm Pork Soda. 

Everyone cool with Obama only freezing the pay of staffers making $100k+ and not the entire staff?

Are we all fine with Gitmo being closed

That was Obama's first week guys. Anyone have an opinion? 


  1. His latest: 200 million to support abortions and planned parenthood.

    Honestly though I kind of agree with this one because if you abort these ghetto babies, you save a lot of money on law enforcement, welfare, and prisons.

  2. And that is exactly the rationale Nancy Pelosi gave.

    "One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government. "

    Economic stimulus? That is going to nothing except stimulate penis.

  3. I got love for Obama: Gitmo, reversing executive order 13233, reversing the "gag rule", and a few transparency initiatives including Not a bad start.
