Friday, January 30, 2009

Obama lowers himself to Rush

Because Obama directly took on Rush he has opened himself to the petty party politcs that he has claimed to be against. The example he has set has given a green light to liberal groups to attack anyone who is against the President. The President's statements have also given Democrats to feel entitled to anything they want because "they won". 

Because of Obama's actions he has reduced this to "Are you with me or Rush?"

Americans United for Change, a liberal group, will begin airing radio ads in three states Obama won — Ohio, Pennsylvania and Nevada — with a tough question aimed at the GOP senators there: Will you side with Obama or Rush Limbaugh?

“Every Republican member of the House chose to take Rush Limbaugh’s advice,” says the narrator after playing the conservative talk radio giant’s declaration that he hopes Obama “fails.” 

“Every Republican voted with Limbaugh — and against creating 4 million new American jobs. We can understand why a extreme partisan like Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama’s Jobs program to fail — but the members of Congress elected to represent the citizens in their districts? That’s another matter. Now the Obama plan goes to the Senate, and the question is: Will our Senator"—here the ad is tailored by state to name George Voinovich in Ohio, Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania, and John Ensign in Nevada—"side with Rush Limbaugh too?”


  1. "Every Republican voted with Limbaugh — and against creating 4 million new American jobs."

    1) I didn't realize that Rush gets a vote
    2) They think that bipartisan means Democrats get everything they want, and Republicans agree to it

  2. OK, I have a question, and I'm totally not trying to be a dick. Does "Obama taking on Rush" refer to the comments listed in the Fox News article you linked to Michael? That, in some meeting, Obama made a comment about "not letting people like Rush Limbaugh stall this."? Is that what "taking on Rush" means in this whole hot topic?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Jimmy, I understand you are not being dick. There were actually several Obama attacks on Rush. The link in this article was a reference to the "I WON" quote and if you Google "Obama I won" the Fox News link is the first one that comes up.

    Another Barack/Rush quote:

    "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done"

    These weren't off hand comments in a press conference. They were in the negotiations on the stimulus package.

    So seriously, how do you expect support when you take these tactics? Obama is trying to get support and he dismissed the Republicans concerns by saying "You can't listen to Rush" as if the elected Republicans leaders in Congress are listening to Rush and making policy decision based on the views of an old deaf pill popping talk radio host. Not to mention he also told these same people that "I won", so tough sh!t.

    I don't really think this is getting blown out of proportion because obviously Obama's tactics have lead to a severely divided legislature.

    At the very least I don't think the President is making thing better. He certainly isn't following up on his campaign promise.

    He should take some direction from the Governator, Arnold is a great example of someone who can reach out and unite.

  5. Jimmy,

    Lets not forget it is that is making these commercials. Liberals are using Obamas statement as a rallying cry for division. I personally think this is troubling and not what i expected from Obama (this in the one area i thought he would be great in)

  6. I guess I have a hard time understanding what the big flap is here. Yes, the office of the president lowers itself whenever it takes on a talking head in the media, no matter the ideologies involved, absolutely. But I really don't see how Obama is "taking on" Limbaugh. Aside from the fact that maybe he shouldn't be tossing Limbaugh's name around, which is just bad PR, I don't see what he's said that's WRONG. He's negotiating and trying to get things done within the parameters of congress, and points out that you can't just take a blind stance based on what talking heads say and expect that to get anything done.

    Sure, liberal groups are using this as a "Rallying cry" and running ads and shit... But isn't that what they'd be doing anyway? Come on., like Limbaugh or any equivalent group on the right, is never going to sit around a campfire singing kumbaya. Partisan hackery is their bread and butter. It cheapens debate and furthers this ridiculous polarization of American politics, to be sure, but I don't think so much hay should be made over what a democrat says and what a liberal interest group does. That Politico article you link to itself leads with a paragraph talking about how the white house and top aides are reaching out to all sides, and I think I even read something about a white house super bowl party with people from both parties invited.

    I understand that you and Jay are still angry over Obama's victory and will find fault with him, that's cool. I swear to Christ, I'm not in his pocket and will be criticizing him on just as many issues, if not more. I'm just not sure this is the thing we're all going to point to in 4 or 8 years as the defining moment of the Obama administration.

    Also, it's worth noting that every Barack quote on Rush so far, I think, has been relayed second hand. By people who most likely disagree with him.

  7. Jimmy, I guess my issue is two-fold:

    1) This happened so early in, 2 weeks?!

    2) Obama should be above this

    Sounds like your argument is basically that this isn't anything new... and I agree with that and that's my problem.

    " points out that you can't just take a blind stance based on what talking heads say "

    I mean come on here, shouldn't we give a little more credit to Republican leaders? I understand the argument that average people may be influenced by Rush... but I don't think the President should be excusing the people he needs support from as being influenced by Rush.

    The other argument you seem to be making is that Barack didn't say anything wrong... I also agree with that, and that is also my problem. Obama should be doing more than simply not doing anything wrong. His actions and arrogance are not helping, they are not "wrong" but they are not helping and they are not inline with "change I can believe in"

    Obama has wasted all his political capital in 2 weeks. Any goodwill he had with Republicans has been used up. That is unfortunate.

  8. OK, again, it sounds like side statements made in closed door meetings vs. actual actions of reaching out (that your own article pointed to).

    But Obama's going to do douchey things, and I agree somewhat with Jay's sentiment that people need to get over the messiah complex. Obama's not going to magically make anything better. He gives people hope and optimism. Great. But that's icing on the cake, not the cake itself. The cake itself is actually accomplishing things.

    But if conservatives are going to have all this butthurt over those side comments made behind closed doors... Well, then maybe he's never going to get anything done. And maybe that's what a lot of people on the other side want to see. And that's politics as usual, which I think both you and I share a disdain for.

  9. I don't think its the butthurt we should be worried about it, its the fact that the country and the Congress couldn't be more divided on how this stimulus should work out.

    Pelosi's attitude is a perfect example:

    She has been running around all the news outlets say she is "non partisan"

    Then she tells Republicans that "They just didn’t have the ideas that had the support of the majority"

    Really Nancy?! What didn't Koj and Jimmy say about tyranny of the majority?

    How can you be non-partisan when you tell the other side that they don't count because they are in the minority??

  10. I don't know. All I want to know is: Where the F is my money?
