Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Republicans should put politics aside..." -Obama

Obama's priorities so far have been ALL ABOUT POLITICS!

Guantanamo, Abortions, Pollution... The messiah's priorities are all jacked up.

Obama is now considering to allow states to impose more restrictive auto emission standards than the national standards. Does he have any clue what this will do to the auto industry!?

It's bad enough that auto manufacturers need to customize (and increase the price of) vehicles for California. Imagine if they had to do that for many different states! It will drive the cost of the cars up, and the sales down.

This also gives Japanese and Korean auto manufacturers an advantage. Who do you think will have an easier time meeting stricter emissions standards, Japan or the US? Korea or the US?

Manufacturing restrictions DO NOT stimulate manufacturing.

And what is this recent focus on Rush Limbaugh? The mainstream media has been talking and writing about how he wants America to fail. They've built Obama up to the point where Obama IS America. Wanting Obama to fail at his liberal objectives means that you want America to fail. That's bullshit! Better hurry up with that Fairness Doctrine! Any American who disagrees with Comrade Obama will be shut down, discredited and arrested!

"The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched an online petition for readers to express their outrage at conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh for saying last week that he wanted President Barack Obama to fail." [1] WTF? What is happening to our country!? Where the fuck is everybody? Put the Kool-Aid down!

Last week, Rush Limbaugh actually said that he "hopes" President Obama fails to meet America’s challenges.

Jobs, health care, our place in the world — the stakes for our nation are high and every American needs President Obama to succeed.

Stand strong against Rush Limbaugh’s Attacks — sign our petition, telling Rush what you think of his attacks on President Obama. We’ll send Limbaugh your comments. [2]

Jobs....Health care....World Peace.... all in Obama's hands.

Obama is the only one who can help you now. Accept him as your savior or be damned to hell.

Obama != USA
Obama != Jesus



  1. Ah, the irony here is sooo sweet. Liberals for years have been the dissenting opinion, disliking the president and his policies. Accused by conservatives of hating America, being un-American, and told to go live in Europe or Canada. Now our positions are reversed, and the game is the same. I can't stop laughing.

  2. Oh yeah, and I am sick of the fucking "kool aid", you guys have been drinking kool aid for longer than we have, it's just been a different color.

  3. Yeah, you're right. Obama is only being held in the same regard as Bush. I remember once when a liberal radio show host bad mouthed Bush. Holy shit, there was universal outrage at every media outlet and Republicans started a petition. /sarcasm

  4. So are you saying that you support stricter state-defined emissions standards?

    And you support the Fairness Doctrine?

    And you believe that Rush needs to be silenced?

    Why don't you comment on the issues here, instead of just saying how "sweet" it is that Liberals control the government and how "positions are reversed".

    I never drank any Kool-aid. I've never worshiped a politician or Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh is not the USA, and he's not Jesus.

  5. Gotta agree with Jay on this one.

    Rush can say whatever he wants. Obama should be above this.

    I'm looking for Jimmy to jump in here and defends Rush's right to free speech.

    Accused by conservatives of hating America, being un-American, and told to go live in Europe or Canada.

    So what? I don't think anyone has ever said the liberals should NOT BE ALLOWED TO CRITICIZE. Certainly I don't recall Bush taking on Air America or Bill Maher.

    Koj, this should be beneath Obama, I'm really expecting you to see the differences here.

    Also, why the hell is Obama taking this on during his first week in office? Really?! That is a little disturbing.

  6. The petition includes a 19-second sound byte of Limbaugh

    Ok, are we really using Limbaugh sound bytes here?

    Should we start petitions that use Bill Maher sound-bytes?

    Interesting note: The DCCC was formerly headed up by none other that Rahm Emanuel.

  7. I'm not jumping in anywhere. I've already made clear that the Fairness Doctrine is a good idea in theory, but will never work. I've also made clear that I do not support any restrictions on what anyone says anywhere at anytime, short of what the first amendment and supreme court precedent already cover. Rush Limbaugh is free to spew whatever he wants.

    Quite frankly, Michael, I'm surprised you're not more sympathetic (though obviously not supportive) of the democrats on this. You're the one who's made it clear free speech is OK, except when it's offensive, and so we need more laws to control what people say or do in public. I don't know, maybe some people find the notion of openly calling for the failure of the president to be pretty offensive. (I'm not saying I know exactly what Rush has said, so don't hound me over semantics.)

    But not me. Rush and all the other circus animal talking heads can say whatever they want as far as I'm concerned.

  8. Also, kool-aid aside, Todd makes a point. The words "traitor" and "treason" were thrown around pretty lightly the last 8 years when anyone criticized Bush's policies, even more so when he enjoyed high approval ratings. The electoral tables have turned, and conservatives expect any less?

    It's the same old song, back and forth, back and forth. Again, this is why I'm fed up with a binary political system.

  9. "except when it's offensive"

    I don't believe I said that. Re-read the Harm Principle.

    Jimmy, we are in agreement, don't be douchey.

    If Rush called on people to ass@ss!nate Obama, this would be a different story.

    "conservatives expect any less"

    I thought this was about Democrats, I'm pretty sure this a partisan group (DCCC) expecting that Rush shouldn't say what he said.

    Obama really should squash this pettiness. I believe he called for an end to petty shit like this.

    I think we have all had this freedom of speech debate numerous times, so no need to rehash it, I think we all know where everyone stands.

    Obama directly called out Rush in his first week in office... can we all agree that this is probably not something Obama needs to be devoting time to?

  10. "It's the same old song, back and forth, back and forth."


    Obama should be above this.

  11. The auto emissions restrictions sounds like bad news, just more headache for all involved to make sure they sell appropriate cars in each state.

    I never said I don't support Rush's right to free speech. The guy is a douche, but he can say whatever he wants. And NOBODY said anything about the fairness doctrine, not even the DCCC, so quit having a hernia about the stupid thing. The DCCC also has the right to free speech, and by starting a petition and forwarding comments to Rush, that is also their right. Everyone is exercising their rights here, so what's the problem?

    And Obama made a comment about Rush in a meeting, so what? He didn't launch a campaign against him or imply some kind of gag order. Get over it.

  12. It's funny that our celebrity president's nemesis is a celebrity radio talk show host.

  13. Rush was making a big deal about how in early January Obama said that "Only the government" can fix our economy. But then recently he said "the end to our economic troubles lies less in my hands'' than it does in the hands of American workers and the companies that employ them."

    But I think Rush was making a stupid point because if you carefully read what he said, Obama was saying that government can fix things in the short term, whereas only the people can bring an end to the economic troubles.

    I think Rush is right about most things, but I don't take his word as gospel like the Obama worshipers do.

  14. Kojo,

    Obama told republicans to stop listening to Rush.

    Now I ask, should any President stoop to this level? Should any President ever encourage people to listen to one thing versus the other? In what way does this improve partisan politics? Now I'm not saying Obama doesn't have the right to say this, I'm just saying it IS petty and it IS beneath him. Rush is beneath him. Can we agree on that?

  15. Not to mention that attacking Rush directly, rightly or wrongly, is not going to help the President pass his agenda.

    Funny though how he has reached out the Muslim world in his first week and back slapped conservatives.

    He granted Al-arybia an interview... he might be better suited to grant Rush an interview too. Maybe Hannity too? If Obama wants to really stop petty partisan politics he needs to reach out to everyone. I don't see why he wouldn't want to do that.

    The US is not well liked in the Arab world, so he reaches out. He is not well liked in the Conservative world... I think very highly of Obama if he reached out. (I already praised him for keeping McCain involved)

  16. Yeah, Obama is not coming into this Presidency saying some rather odd things.

    Calling on Republicans to put politics aside is like the the pot calling the kettle black. Why would you say that? For someone who understands the importance of words and dialog, Omaba is really being divisive. See my next post for more...
