Monday, January 12, 2009

Hey Fatty - Part II

Husband deemed too fat to adopt
Damien Hall, who stands six feet, one inch tall, weighs 24 and a half stone. He therefore has a body mass index (BMI)
of more than 42 and is thus considered morbidly obese.

He is approx 6'1" 320lbs.

The letter the couple received from Leeds City Council said they were unable to process their adoption application "due to the concerns that the medical advisers have expressed regarding Mr Hall's weight.

"The Adoption Panel are unlikely to approve applicants with a BMI over 40 because of the long term health risks."

This is retarded. So weight equates to child rearing skills? 


  1. 6'1" 320lbs is definitely big, but I wouldn't consider that morbidly obese, would you?

  2. this guy is 6'1" and weights 343 pounds. I think morbidly obese is a little bit of an overstatement. I don't think that disqualifies him from being a parent. There are not enough couples willing to adopt compared to the amount of kids that need homes. Most arguments like this come up short considering that fact.

    The same argument applies to gay couples who want to adopt. However, the main different being that there isn't anything physically unhealthy about being gay.

    I don't think it's wrong for the council to reject a potential parent based on unhealthy lifestyle. You don't want to let a crackhead adopt a baby. This guy isn't bed ridden, he's a perfectly abled man. I don't disagree with having these types of rules, but I think the rule is a little harsh in this instance.

    Interesting side note: Some guy in Florida fired all the smokers and fat people that worked for him:

    I personally believe you should be able to fire anyone for any reason as long as it's a choice that the person is making. For example, you can't fire someone cause their black. Not only does skin color have no relevance to capabilities, but people don't choose their skin color.

    Same goes for sexual orientation and gender. Pretty much everything else, any other lifestyle choice is game in my book. I don't like people who drink, I don't have to hire them. I don't like fat people, I don't have to hire them. I don't like jerks, I don't have to hire them.

  3. 320 lbs is definitely morbidly obese. It means his life will be shorter because of his weight. The most likely culprit will be diabetes. If he doesn't already have it, he will soon. And that is just a time bomb.

    I can't say I agree with this policy. They don't require a survey to allow you to get pregnant. And last I checked, we have a shortage of would-be adoptive parents, so maybe it's not a good idea to tighten the restrictions.

    On the flip side, I understand the concern here. The guy doesn't know how to eat and take care of himself. Obesity and diabetes are less genetic and more behavioral. This guy will likely raise a morbidly obese child.

  4. As the only fat guy on this blog (my BMI is 32) I have to disagree with this.

    My dad's fat, Kojiro's dad is fat... Do you really think we would've been better off without our dads? That's retarded man. I know lots of shitty parents who are skinny, and good parents who are fat.

    BMI is total bullshit anyway. I know people with good BMI's who get winded running for a very short distance, or get sore for days because they lifted a heavy object. BMI says that they're healthy, but that's BS.

    BMI says I'm obese, but I can run for miles without getting tired. I ran 8 miles last week and I lifted weights 5 times (every weekday morning), which is much more exercise than most people get in a week.

    You guys remember how skinny I was in high school? Well even back then BMI said I was overweight. I was skinny as hell too.

    BMI says that I would have a normal weight if I weighed 140 pounds! 6' and 140 pounds is normal! That's total bullshit.

    I think the ideal weight for a 6 foot person is around 200 pounds. Any lighter and they'll be a wimp.

  5. Of all the bad things people do raising kids I believe BMI and eating is the least of anyones worries.

    This guy will likely raise a morbidly obese child.

    What does that say about gay couples who adopt?

    Are we supposed to support an increase interior decorators and hair dressers? Last I checked HGTV and E! was full. I won't stand for it.

    And what about fat gay people!? Oh man!

  6. "What does that say about gay couples who adopt?"
    That is a can of worms. For starters, you're making the assumption that being gay is purely behavioral. Second, so what if it does? Is that a bad thing? Worse than not being adopted? Assuming for a second it would make them gay: that isn't threatening their health, even if it does threaten their freedoms.

  7. Naw, I'm just saying it effects their taste in men's fashion and broadway. Much the same way you are proposing that fat people raise unhealthy kids. :)

  8. Kojiro's healthy and his dad is fat.

    I think he's being a hypocrite.
