Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama and comedy

I read this article in USAToday yesterday at the airport. 

This reinforces what I was saying a few weeks ago. Call it bias, call untouchable, call it what you will, but the media has been really hands off the Obama jokes. 

This article is from the comediens themselves and they are saying exactly what I was saying. They aren't doing Obama sketches.

The picture is from an SNL sketch which I saw a couple weeks ago. It wasn't even funny it was a sketch on how cool Obama is... that's it. 


  1. I know this has been one of your favorite chew-toys in recent months, that the librul jew media isn't making fun of Obama as much as you think they should. Give it time. They'll get the material they need to work with.

  2. Yeah yeah, but that article makes the point that this is unique. Different than Bush or Clinton, and that's my point. That was also my point about the Cult of Personality where criticism is outlawed. So I'm giving you direct evidence supporting what I was getting at.

  3. Whatever. Once the PC police figure out how to make fun of a black guy, they'll get it done. Unfortunately, it's all about not pissing off viewers and thus advertisers. I hate political correctness as much as you. There are more underground comedic elements that rip Obama to pieces, I'm sure, but the bland, safe, corporatist world of late night comedy needs to find its way.

  4. They don't make fun of people like Obama or Jesus.

  5. That article is bullshit for a number of reasons.

    1) Doesn't sound like all comedians are that concerned about Obama's non funniness:

    2)He's not as funny as George Bush. You're trying to say that W was the status quo in terms of comedic value in a president. That's not true, he was a gold mine. Guy was doing/saying ridiculous shit for 8 years. Obama's not "not funny" he's just a normal level of funny.

    3)People respect him,... for now. What's his approval rating? If it gets down to 22% we can discuss this again. Until then this is a stupid argument.


  6. How can an article be bullshit when it has legitimate comedic sources saying there is a hands off on Obama?

    >>He's not as funny as George Bush.

    Oh, so the President needs to be funny! I thought the comedians were funny, my bad.

    Barack is cool though.

    What I find humorous is that we can so clearly paint talk radio (or FoxNews) as bias yet even proposing that comedians (let alone CNN or the networks) are biased is somehow bullshit.

    Come on guys! Really?!

    Oh, but I forgot, Obama is not funny. Hands off guys, he's cool.

  7. I think I see a new conservative talking point taking shape here, if it isn't already one. "The number of W jokes after 8 years in office far exceeds the number of Obama jokes after a week in office. Therefore, comedians are also in Obama's back pocket."

    I don't understand why your panties are in such a twist over this Michael. Your article itself says, comedians just haven't found his "foibles" yet.

    This reminds me of the idiots who thought comedy was "dead" after 9/11.

  8. So do I.

    Q: What's brown and rhymes with Snoop?

    A: Dr. Dre.
