Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Great White Stage Pyrotechnicians Found In Thailand

BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- At least 59 people were killed in a fire that broke out early Thursday at one of Bangkok's most upscale nightclubs, where about 1,000 revelers were ringing in the new year, Thai police said.

The fire, at a club called Zantika, started at about 12:35 a.m. (1735 GMT), police told CNN.

The blaze started near a stage where fireworks were being used as part of a performance, according to authorities. Most of those who died in the building died from smoke inhalation or were trampled in a rush to get out of the club, they said.

The club is located in one of Bangkok's busiest commercial districts. Most of the fatality victims were Thai, but foreigners have been identified from Australia, the Netherlands, Nepal and Japan, police said

Happy New Year!

Influx of black renters raises tension in Bay Area

ANTIOCH, Calif. (AP) - As more and more black renters began moving into this mostly white San Francisco Bay Area suburb a few years ago, neighbors started complaining about loud parties, mean pit bulls, blaring car radios, prostitution, drug dealing and muggings of schoolchildren.

Across the country, similar tensions have simmered when federally subsidized renters escaped run-down housing projects and violent neighborhoods by moving to nicer communities in suburban Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Hey hippies! What happened to peace, love and diversity? 

I guess gayness is less offensive to neighbors than pit bulls and hookers. 

"One of the goals of the programs is to de-concentrate poverty," Villarreal said. "There are just some people who don't want to spend public money that way."

De-concentrate poverty? What does that even mean? I totally understand, but disagree with, income redistribution. But deconcentration? That sounds like trying to cure cancer by just spreading it around a little, doesn't really solve the problem, it just allows everyone to suffer from it. In this case it allows more people to not like living near poor people and gives more people an excuse to flee further away. 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The best Christmas gifts go bang

David Spade helps Phoenix police buy rifles

Dec 22, 5:48 PM (ET)

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Phoenix Police Department has gotten some high-powered goodies courtesy of actor David Spade.

The one-time Phoenix resident donated $100,000 so that the department can buy approximately 50 AR-15 rifles.

Spade said he wanted to make the donation after seeing a TV news report about Phoenix officers having to buy their own rifles. Spade grew up in the Phoenix area and graduated from Arizona State University.

Phoenix Police Sgt. Alan Hill says the rifles will be given to patrol officers and that the agency was grateful for the gifts.

"These guys need to be able to do their jobs and I am just happy I could help," Spade said in a statement released by his publicist.

This is the kind of charity that I can support.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Common & Afrika Bambaataa

Have you see this commercial? It really pisses me off.

Afrika: It's mine mine mine
Common: It was influenced by Planet Rock

Ummm I'm pretty sure it was influenced by Kraftwerk.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Better wages and benefits for workers

(CNN) -- Labor unions Thursday praised President-elect Barack Obama's selection to head the Labor Department, Rep. Hilda Solis.
Rep. Hilda Solis is viewed as a strong advocate for working men and women by organized labor.

Rep. Hilda Solis is viewed as a strong advocate for working men and women by organized labor.

A Washington-based labor official for a major union told CNN's John King that the California Democrat was Obama's choice for labor secretary.

Obama is expected to officially announce his nomination of Solis during a press conference on Friday. Obama is also expected to name Illinois Rep. Ray LaHood as his choice for secretary of transportation.

Obama has enjoyed the support of organized labor since the campaign season, when the AFL-CIO, the nation's largest labor organization, endorsed him for president, calling him "a champion for working families."

As a senator, Obama co-sponsored the Employee Free-Choice Act, which was designed to make it easier to create unions in the workplace. Supporters of the plan, including the AFL-CIO, said it would increase the number of union members in the United States and lead to better wages and benefits for workers.

Unions rule! But I have an even better idea! Let's raise minimum wage to $60,000 a year! Then every company will share in the success of the American auto companies! Woo hoo!

I Have Found More Statistics that Support My Claims

Edit: One more

My favorite. -M

Massaging Numbers is Fun!

Whee! Finding statistics to support your worldview is fun!

State tax facts

For Jimmy:

From the eminently balanced CNN
  • #3 least tax friendly state = NY
  • #4 least tax friendly city = NYC
  • #4 most tax friendly = LV
  • States w/o income tax: Alaska, FL, NV, NH, SD, TN, TX - Any of those states have bankrupt cities? 
  • #4 highest property tax = NY
  • Top 5 most expensive counties = All NY and NJ
  • #3 Highest Tax Burden = ta da... NY!!
  • ... GA is #32 btw

"New York City's top resident income-tax rate of 3.65 percent is imposed on top of the state income tax of 6.85 percent, and one is not deductible from the other. Thus the best measure of New York's income-tax competitiveness is the combined rate of 10.5 percent - the highest in the region and, in fact, the country."

As of 2007, the highest rate of state income tax is that of California, with a maximum rate of 10.3%. 

In addition, some states allow cities and/or counties to impose income taxes above and beyond the federal and state income taxes. An example is New York City, where there is both a state income tax of up to 8.14%"[2] and a city income tax, up to 4.00%[3].

When you look at the facts it is the cities and states that have heavy tax burdens, heavy union membership and anti-business tax policies that are hurting right now. NYC's latest round of taxes is not going to help. 

Still not convinced?

Least business friendly states: Top 2 worst: NY and NJ

.... Weird, GA is 5th best and NV is 2nd best. 

Sweet Marxist Movies

Merry Christmas, Nevada Jay: Che

What about shoes tossing in Russia?

New legislation backed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would allow Russian authorities to label any government critic a traitor—a move that rights activists said Wednesday was a chilling throwback to times of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

The bill, which is expected to become law, would expanded the definition of treason to include damaging Russia's constitutional order, sovereignty or territorial integrity. That, rights activists said, would essentially let authorities interpret any act against state as treason—a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Activists said that would catapult Russia's justice system back to the times of Stalin's purges, calling it "legislation in the spirit of Stalin and Hitler."

I wonder what would happen if you threw a shoe at Putin?

During Putin's eight-year presidency, the government has systematically rolled back Russia's post-Soviet political freedoms and that has shown no signs of stopping under Putin's successor and protege, Dmitry Medvedev.

Alexeyeva said the government was pushing the law quickly to head off possible protests resulting from the global financial crisis, which has hit Russia hard.

"The people ruling the government are afraid of the reaction of its citizens to their inability to cope with the crisis,"

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Are you blind? This is a terrible idea.

Governor Paterson has really blind-sided New Yorkers with his latest tax proposal. State Legislators seem to be turning a blind eye to the troubled financial state of many tax payers. Opponents to Paterson's proposal believe he is blind to the consequences for New York businesses. Many business owners have been thrown into a blind rage.

Gov. Paterson's proposed $121 billion budget hits New Yorkers in their iPods - and nickels-and-dimes them in lots of other places, too.


Movie tickets, taxi rides, soda, beer, wine, cigars and massages would be taxed under Paterson's proposal. It also extends sales taxes to cable and satellite TV services and removes the tax exemption for clothes costing less than $110.

"The governor is nickel-and-diming working class families," said Ron Deutsch, executive director of New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, an advocacy group.

State Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long warned that reinstating the sales tax on clothing and shoes will drive people to New Jersey, where they will also gas up their cars and pick up their wine, spirits and soda because the prices are less due to lower taxes. "You're sending notice to the people of New York that we really don't want you here," Long said. "The governor proposed flat spending, but why not actually cut the budget before raising taxes and fees?"

Paterson's 2009-10 budget proposal represents only a 1% increase in total spending from this year's budget - the smallest increase in a dozen years. It also calls for:

* A 3.3%, or $698 million, reduction in school aid.
* $3.5 billion in health care savings, including reductions in payments to hospitals and nursing homes.
* Video slot machines at Belmont Park, more multistate lottery games and expanded hours for the state's Quick Draw lottery game.
* Layoffs for 521 state workers and the elimination of seven state agencies.

High taxes are half the reason people like us move away from NY. Plus all the stupid laws.

I like the part about expanding the slot machines and lottery games, but what's up with taxing the rub and tugs? That's just wrong.

Humane Society cages Biden

To be fair, I just wanted to criticize Obama for choosing a VP that went to a breeder for a puppy. There are plenty of shelter dogs that need a safe left-wing-leaning home. Was Michael Vick the special advisor on this? 

What gives Joe? Why a pure bred dog? Are mixed breed dogs not welcome in Delaware? Are mulatto dogs not allowed on the Amtrack? Do they make them ride in the back? 

Puppy's and ice cream!

To be fair, I want to give Obama credit for choosing a non-corrupt VP. This week Joe "The Human Gaffe Machine" Biden got a new puppy! Yea!!! 

The Obama Transition Team is firing on all cylinders now with Fido on the team. Biden informed Obama that he is ready to advise on all matters concerning canines, potty training and frisbee catching. 

Valerie Jarrett... and Rahm Emanuel

Last weeks post was about Obama's advisor Valerie Jarrett being named in the FBI investigation of the pay-for-play Blagojevich's scandal.

This week we see that Obama's Cheif of Staff Rahm Emanuel was lobbying Blagojevich to appoint Valerie Jarrett:

I'm sure Obama knew nothing about this because I'm sure his Cheif of Staff and "special" advisor don't talk to Obama or give him advice about anything. 

Nothing like an old fashion corruption scandal to kick off the new year! Now that's change we can believe in!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


"I didn't have much time to reflect on anything, I was ducking and dodging," Bush said.

The journalist was "looking for notoriety," Bush said, adding that authorities shouldn't "overact" in their treatment of him. 

"First of all, it's got to be one of the most weird moments of my presidency," he said. "Here I am, getting ready to answer questions from a free press in a democratic Iraq, and a guy stands up and throws his shoe. And it was bizarre, and it was an interesting way for a person to express himself."

He added, "I'm not angry with the system. I believe that a free society is emerging, and a free society is necessary for our own security and peace."

Can all the Bush haters throw George a bone here for handling this pretty darn cool?


It's that time of year, when people start thinking more charitably than usual. I've long felt that charities are a great alternative to government. Liberals tend to want to help people via gov't, and lobby our gov't to do so, resulting in a lot of the extra spending our conservative brothers complain about. I think conservatives will agree that charities are a good alternative to larger gov't. Instead of forcing me to hand over more money via taxes, let me choose how to spend that money for causes in which I believe. Obviously, there are some charities whose goals must ultimately involve legislation, such as wildlife preservation, but in general, I think the more we leave to charity the less we leave to gov't.

So this season, I hope everyone finds a charity and gives just a bit of your hard earned cash. There are so many to choose from. My wife gives to the ASPCA, while I give to Child's Play, The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Save the Tiger Fund, and of course Teens Living with Cancer.

Re: Sweet Marxist Posters

Look who else has the sweet posters.

Bush joked about the incident later telling reporters: "I'm pretty good at ducking as some of you know," a reference to avoiding questions. He downplayed the significance of the display saying he didn't think "you can take one guy throwing shoes and say this represents a broad movement in Iraq. You can try to do that if you want but I don't think that would be accurate."

A day after the incident, al-Zeidi's three brothers and one sister gathered in al-Zeidi's simple, one-bedroom apartment in west Baghdad. The home was decorated with a poster of Latin American revolutionary leader Che Guevara, who is widely lionized in the Middle East.

Family members expressed bewilderment over al-Zeidi's action and concern about his treatment in Iraqi custody. But they also expressed pride over his defiance of an American president who many Iraqis believe has destroyed their country.

"I swear to Allah, he is a hero," said his sister, who goes by the nickname Umm Firas (mother of Firas, her oldest son), as she watched a replay of her brother's attack on an Arabic satellite station. "May Allah protect him.",2933,467524,00.html

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gandhi > Obama

Society needs crime control, not gun control. Munday writes that "violent crime in America has plummeted" in the past two decades after the majority of states enacted "right to carry" legislation and issued permits to carry concealed weapons to citizens of good repute. I think there were many reasons for the decline, but "right to carry" certainly wasn't detrimental to it.

There are Second Amendment absolutists in America, and libertarians elsewhere, who regard a person's birthright to own/carry a firearm beyond the state's power to regulate. I'm not one of them. I think it's reasonable for communities to set thresholds of age, proficiency, legal status, etc., for the possession of lethal weapons, just as they set standards for the operation of motor vehicles, airplanes and ham radios. But it seems to me that, within common sense perimeters, you'd want to enhance, not diminish, the defensive capacity of the good guys, and increase rather than decrease the number of auxiliary crime-fighters who are available to be deputized when the bad guys start climbing over the fence.

Munday quotes no less an advocate of non-violence than Mahatma Gandhi on the imperial decree of the Indian Arms Act of 1878 that laid the foundation for the defencelessness of the victims of the Mumbai massacre 130 years later. "Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India," said the Mahatma, "history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tip toe

All I'm going to say about this is Chicago and Illinois politics are corrupt, that should not be breaking news to anyone. Obama is a product of Chicago and Illinois politics... raised, groomed, poistioned, from the bottom up. That does not mean Barack is corrupt. I'm sure he is not involved at all in the pay-for-play dealings of his vacant senate seat... he is too smart for that.  

One of the potential candidates, identified as Candidate #1 by the FBI , "may be Valerie Jarrett, Obama's close confidante who has since been named a special presidential adviser." If Barack Obama wasn't involved directly in this scandal then he is being advised by corruprted advisors.  

Smoke if you got 'em

Let me first say that I personally think Obama smoking is a) his private choice and b) has zero impact on his ability to lead our country. 

I heard about this throughout the campaign and no one made an issue out of this. I mean I didn't even hear talk radio take issue with this. 

Like I said personally I don't care, but the smoking nazi's in this country should. "Obama says he wont smoke in White House" ... in the White House?? So he is going to keep smoking as long as its not in the White House?

The anti-smoking groups who have banned smoking in public places, scrubbed TV and movies of characters who smoke and even gone as far as to ban smoke in private residence should be screaming bloody murder and crucifying Obama for smoking period. 

Instead he is  a role model 
"Anti-smoking advocates are counting on Obama as a role model for others trying to kick the habit, showing them — and himself — that while it's hard, all things are indeed possible in America."

""It's a wonderful opportunity," says Cheryl Healton, president of theAmerican Legacy Foundation, a Washington-based group that seeks to prevent smoking among young people. "The president-elect is in a position to help people understand that it's difficult to quit, and to encourage the 43 million adult Americans who smoke to join him in his efforts."

That article has plenty more humorous excuses for the President-elect. 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Auto Bailout Follow-Up

Following up on my comments in re: The Auto Caucus a few weeks ago, and my supposition that any republicans representing states with a presence of foreign auto plants would probably come out most strongly against the auto bailout while GOPers with strong ties to the Big Three found a way to support it.

Well I'm not shocked that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Toyota Plant) as well as Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Hyundai Plant) and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Nissan Plant) don't like the auto bailout plan.

I can't say I'm happy that I was right. Follow the money, that's all that matters...


Friday, December 5, 2008

Will Talk Radio Get the Wake Up Call?

Here's a good op-ed piece by conservative radio host Michael Medved. He does a good job stepping outside of himself and making what I think is a very fair assessment of the talk radio landscape.

Increasingly, interests of commercial talk radio in a fractured market diverge from the needs of a viable national movement. A radio show (locally or nationally) that draws just 5% of the available audience can achieve notable success in ratings and revenue, but a conservatism that connects with only a disgruntled, paranoid 5% of the public will wither and die.

This is why I think the Fairness Doctrine, while a good idea in theory, is ultimately a waste of time. Talk radio (either side) is little more than a positive feedback loop for the intellectually incurious, doing nothing to win converts, but only trying to hang on to their congregation. Liberals bitching about it are just spinning their wheels, thinking somehow you can inject any sort of real debate into a medium that offers "infotainment" at best. It's like having a discussion on the benefits of Title IX in sports during Monday Night RAW.

As stated in previous posts, I believe the real fairness doctrine of the 21st century is net neutrality. The idea of ANY information being censored or given priority by any entity in the public OR private sector is truly frightening.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Absolutely Disgusting Glorification of Terrorism,2933,461647,00.html

The jarring toy has outraged the British Muslim organization known as the Ramadhan Foundation, which called the figurine "absolutely disgusting," according to Sky News.

The foundation's chief executive, Mohammed Shafiq, complained that the toy is "glorifying terrorism."

"I don't think there's any difference between someone that shouts hatred through a megaphone and someone that creates a doll that glorifies terrorists," he told Sky.

I don't see what the British Ramadhan Foundation has to do with a toy produced in Seattle.

I think this toy kicks ass. Suck my balls Mohammed Shariq!

There's no such thing as a "gun free" zone!

The mayor of Seattle wants to ban concealed carry in almost all public places, because a mental patient with a concealed carry permit shot a few people last spring. They say that you will still be able to carry in parking garages and on streets, but how the hell can you carry when you won't be able to legally enter any of the buildings? Under current laws, people with Washington state concealed carry permits can carry in parks and at the Seattle Center. The proposal would take that right away. [1]

Almost EVERY study shows that crime goes down when you allow concealed carry. That's why despite places like Seattle, the general trend recently has been in favor of concealed carry. For example, this year the supreme court overturned the unconstitutional handgun ban in D.C. and Atlanta residents gained the right to lawfully concealed carry on the MARTA. Florida was one of the first states to allow it and more and more states have followed suit after seeing the positive results.

Is the real problem the gun itself? Or is it the man holding the gun?

The only people who obey gun free zones are law abiding citizens who wouldn't be committing crimes in the first place.

Criminological and sociological analysis provides important, even crucial, information as to the role of firearms in violence and the utility and viability of potential gun control strategies. Virtually all of this information is ignored or affirmatively suppressed in the health advocacy literature. That literature also shows consistent patterns of making misleading international comparisons, mistaking the differences between handguns and long guns, and exaggerating the number of children injured or killed, thereby building up the emotional content. Other distortions include presenting gun ownership in such a manner as to ignore or minimize the benefits, and measuring defensive benefits purely in terms of attackers killed, rather than considering attacks deterred or attackers repelled. To the contrary, the criminological and sociological research literature demonstrates the existence of high risk groups for firearms misuse, and of the "career" criminals who commit many of the serious crimes in our society. Yet the anti-gun health advocacy literature consistently overlooks these data and attributes equal propensity to commit violent crime to all people. [2]

PS. Starbucks is super gay and Michael Moore is fat.



Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Current weather...

The Channel 2 Weatherman on our local news just informed me of the following:

"Georgia is in a neutral weather pattern. We are under no El Nino, no La Nina and there are no sunspots, this usually means it will be very cold."

I was shocked to hear that natural "phenomena" have an impact on our weather. I had no idea that the earth went through "weather" "cycles". I thought our climate worked like my thermostat... meteorology is awesome, is that like astrology? 

Funny how a neutral weather pattern causes "cooler" weather. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In local news...

Georgia Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss handed the GOP a firewall against Democrats eager to flex their newfound political muscle in Washington, winning a bruising runoff battle Tuesday night that had captured the national limelight.

I voted today... in your face hippies!

War on Ramahanukwanzmas!

Jimmy and I just had a quality chat offline and decided to wage the "War on Ramahanukwanzmas"
Feel free to join.

Embracing Ramadan

More Districts Closing on Muslim Holidays

This is one example of which I can find dozens. The point being: Our country was founded on Freedom of Religion, not from Religion.

For the love of God/Allah/Obama/Buddah can we please celebrate all religions and not be offended by any of them? 

In my opinion the correct solution is definitely not to erase all relligious expression from the public forum. (and please don't throw separation of church and state out there... do some research first, then post)

Kiss my butt bitch! Approve my credit!

The punchline is at the end.

Your Daily Dose of Manufactured Outrage

Utah lawmaker proposes resolution to embrace Christmas

A professional politician, someone a great many people pulled a lever for, actually uses the term "war on Christmas." That's really funny.

Here's the thing I don't get: I've heard the term "Happy Holidays" my whole life. I always assumed it referred to the many holidays that take place this time of year, both secular and not, like Thanksgiving and New Year's, and yes Hanukkah and whatever else.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What up global warming?

 I'm just going to throw this out here...

Where did global warming go this year? 

It snowed in Atlanta today. 

Good job left-coast!

"The state projects a $28-billion deficit by mid-2010, but at the current rate is on track to run out of cash by February or March."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Germany is making sense.

"Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, turned the tables on her international critics on Wednesday by accusing the US and other governments of making “cheap money” a central tool of their economic management, thus planting the seeds of a similar crisis in five years."

"Ms Merkel has been wary of raising public borrowing to stimulate demand"

Holy sh!t, why is Europe lecturing us on monetary discipline? Because they are right!

Bush started this bailout and Obama is not only going along but promising more. Unbelievable! Where are the politicians urging caution? Where are the skpetics? Where is the voice of reason and moderation? 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

$200b more ... for consumer credit?

"He added that the market for securities backed by consumer debt "came to a halt" last month, making it nearly impossible for millions of Americans to find affordable financing for everything from college to computers."

Wait a sec... I though the problem here was mortgages? Do we really care if people can't get 0% credit cards? Isn't cheap money the problem? Cheap money that is creating unmanageable debt that can't be repaid and that is then defaulted on?

So our solution is to lubricate the problem? 

I don't see how any of this bailout money is going to solve the problem. Its like our pyramid is collapsing and our solution is grow the pyramid even larger. How does giving the American people access to more money solve the problem that they can't even pay back the money they've already borrowed? 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Biased media? or Biased people?

Do people lack so much common sense that we need to remind them that their news and media is inherently biased? Or are the majority of people well aware they are receiving facts filtered through some medium whether it's network news, cable, radio or the Internet? 

What is more naive: Not knowing your information is biased or thinking there are unbiased sources of information? 

I would contend they both are equally ignorant. 

Any news, no matter how fair and balanced it sounds is always filtered through an editor. Either the content of the piece or the entire piece itself  is filtered by someone. Someone chooses what is in and what is out, how its written and where it is placed. There is an inherent bias in this process. Could part of the process be to eliminate bias? Sure. But who could do that? and aren't they also biased? Wouldn't the people who chose this person be biased in there choosing? (i hope most people get this)

Well what about news that does not go through a filter (blogs, websites, op/ed pieces)? Those are purposely unfiltered and inherently biased by design. 

The problem of unbiased media seems to be a recent phenomenon. I say "problem" because the entire concept of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press was specifically to foster biased media... is that a problem?

Is the idea to remove bias or balance the bias? 

Removing the bias would be censorship. 

Balancing the bias as a requirement is also censorship. (Who says when it is balanced?)

Allow access to everything and accepting the fact that all media/news/facts are biased is the only way. (aka Net Neutrality)

So far I think this should be relatively obvious. It gets more complicated when we think about (or have problems with) people who don't take it upon themselves to go to many different biased sourced to form their opinion of the world around us. The question now is, do these people have valid opinions? 

Anyone who says 'no' would have to be either omnipotent or ignorant. You would either have to know everything or not know that you don't know everything. That is why they are called opinions. 

It is the fact that we all have different opinions that allow us to create all the different sources of news and media that we all should have equal access to. It's a continuous feedback loop. 

The conclusion to this is: All media is biased. There is no holy grail of pure information. Rather than trying to unbias the media we should be celebrating it. 

Most people are not very intelligent, I get that. The conclusions they may come to may be completely ridiculous, however, people are cognizant enough to chose how they are informed... biased or otherwise. 

Go RH!


Now do we have to start bailing out stupid old people, too?

Home Prices in Decline

Home prices are down 16% nationally since a year ago... Up to 31% in places like Vegas. Zowie. How hard did ATL and Portland get hit? North Carolina's down, but only about 3-4%. The house we're building now we're paying about 10-15% less than what people were paying a year or two ago, so hopefully we won't be upside down as soon as we move in.


Common sense from TMQ

From today's Tuesday Morning Quartback on ESPN

Oh No! Gasoline Prices Are Falling! Just last winter, gas at $4 a gallon was said to represent a super-ultra emergency, and ExxonMobil profits were said to be obscene. Now gas is $2 a gallon and this is bad, according to CNBC economics bobbleheads, who last week warned the lower pump price will depress oil-company profits. Just last winter, rising consumer prices were said to represent a super-ultra emergency -- now that consumer prices are falling, that's supposed to be bad too, owing to the possibility of deflation. But innovation and rising labor productivity are supposed to drive down prices. Lower prices are a core goal of capitalist economics!

These points should serve as reminders that the mainstream media always present all economic news as bad. Higher interest rates? Bad for borrowers. Lower interest rates? Might cause inflation. Normally, the media's penchant for spinning all economic news as bad doesn't matter -- but right now it does, as pessimism more than logic seems to be driving the weak economy. Speaking as someone who pulled the election lever for Barack Obama (and whose daughter worked for the Obama campaign round the clock for months), I agree with John McCain's statement, "The fundamentals of the economy are strong." They are. McCain was right! Innovation is high. Labor productivity is high. There are no shortages of any resource or commodity. Pessimism is driving the downturn, and that pessimism is advanced by relentless media negativism.

Even the Wall Street Journal is spinning events in the most pessimistic light. A page one story declared, "Investors in the U.S. stock market have lost more than $9 trillion since its peak a year ago." But there is a distinction between a decline and a loss. The paper value of U.S. equities has declined $9 trillion since the peak in October 2007, but many investors have suffered no loss because they haven't sold. Many people's houses have declined in value in the last two years, but most people haven't lost a dime because they haven't sold -- just as many people's houses rose in value from 2002 to 2006 but most people did not gain, again because they did not sell. Doing nothing can be the smart move in a bear market, and those investors, individual or institutional, who have cleverly done nothing have incurred no losses and are likely to come out ahead in the long run. Yet some insist on claiming $9 trillion has been "lost." Exaggerating the negative only worsens the economic-confidence picture.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama Wants Head

Mr. Obama, said that Lewinsky was "a fresh face" with "a lot to offer."

...said that Mr. Clinton was cautiously supportive of the prospect. "He's always had great admiration for Monica's abilities," Cooper said. "I think he's just concerned that she might get in over her head if she were given a job as a political move."


Another $700b?!

Another $700b


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bailing out Citi

Additional bailout for Citigroup


"Citigroup is so large and interconnected that its troubles could spill over into other institutions. Indeed, Citigroup is widely viewed, both in Washington and on Wall Street, as too big to be allowed to fail."

Didn't we hear that before? I'm starting to get really nervous every time I hear "too big to fail"... talk about scare tactics! If your company is in trouble fly to Washington in a Lear Jet and say "we are too big to fail and if you don't give us money NOW the earth will crash into the Sun."

"the plan could serve as a model for other banks, heralding another shift in the government's morphing financial rescue."

Morphing financial rescue... I'm having trouble with the morphing part. What is this the Mighty Morphin' Power Bailout? Shouldn't there be a commission or a vote or someone supervising the morphing?

Fix it!