Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bailing out Citi

Additional bailout for Citigroup


"Citigroup is so large and interconnected that its troubles could spill over into other institutions. Indeed, Citigroup is widely viewed, both in Washington and on Wall Street, as too big to be allowed to fail."

Didn't we hear that before? I'm starting to get really nervous every time I hear "too big to fail"... talk about scare tactics! If your company is in trouble fly to Washington in a Lear Jet and say "we are too big to fail and if you don't give us money NOW the earth will crash into the Sun."

"the plan could serve as a model for other banks, heralding another shift in the government's morphing financial rescue."

Morphing financial rescue... I'm having trouble with the morphing part. What is this the Mighty Morphin' Power Bailout? Shouldn't there be a commission or a vote or someone supervising the morphing?

Fix it!

1 comment:

  1. I've got a couple grand balance on my Citi credit card. When viewed as a proportion of our total household income, I have determined that I am too big to be allowed to fail. I can has bailout plz??
