Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Biased media? or Biased people?

Do people lack so much common sense that we need to remind them that their news and media is inherently biased? Or are the majority of people well aware they are receiving facts filtered through some medium whether it's network news, cable, radio or the Internet? 

What is more naive: Not knowing your information is biased or thinking there are unbiased sources of information? 

I would contend they both are equally ignorant. 

Any news, no matter how fair and balanced it sounds is always filtered through an editor. Either the content of the piece or the entire piece itself  is filtered by someone. Someone chooses what is in and what is out, how its written and where it is placed. There is an inherent bias in this process. Could part of the process be to eliminate bias? Sure. But who could do that? and aren't they also biased? Wouldn't the people who chose this person be biased in there choosing? (i hope most people get this)

Well what about news that does not go through a filter (blogs, websites, op/ed pieces)? Those are purposely unfiltered and inherently biased by design. 

The problem of unbiased media seems to be a recent phenomenon. I say "problem" because the entire concept of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press was specifically to foster biased media... is that a problem?

Is the idea to remove bias or balance the bias? 

Removing the bias would be censorship. 

Balancing the bias as a requirement is also censorship. (Who says when it is balanced?)

Allow access to everything and accepting the fact that all media/news/facts are biased is the only way. (aka Net Neutrality)

So far I think this should be relatively obvious. It gets more complicated when we think about (or have problems with) people who don't take it upon themselves to go to many different biased sourced to form their opinion of the world around us. The question now is, do these people have valid opinions? 

Anyone who says 'no' would have to be either omnipotent or ignorant. You would either have to know everything or not know that you don't know everything. That is why they are called opinions. 

It is the fact that we all have different opinions that allow us to create all the different sources of news and media that we all should have equal access to. It's a continuous feedback loop. 

The conclusion to this is: All media is biased. There is no holy grail of pure information. Rather than trying to unbias the media we should be celebrating it. 

Most people are not very intelligent, I get that. The conclusions they may come to may be completely ridiculous, however, people are cognizant enough to chose how they are informed... biased or otherwise. 

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