Friday, November 7, 2008

2008 voter turn out = same as 2004

For all that hype voter turn out in 2008 was the same as 2004... funny how that didn't change
Barack outspent McCain 4:1 and campaigned for 2 years and the best he could do was increase Democratic turnout by 2.6%. Frankly that is sad, very sad. That tells me that Obama energized existing democrats and liberals, he got them really pumped up, made them cry in emotion, but failed to attract new voters. Clearly he won some converts, sure some independants voted for him and even some moderate Republicans... but when current President has a 30% approval rating, I don't think this should be surprising, let alone historic. 

Read the full report here


  1. There are few things as enjoyable as bathing in the sour grapes tears of a conservative.

  2. or as useless as commentary from someone who wrote in Ralph Nadar... again.

  3. Hey, screw you buddy. At least I've been voting FOR something instead of AGAINST ZOMG teh libruls or ZOMG Halliburtonpublicans.

    Your man HST said it's no great trick to go into a voting booth and vote for the lesser of two evils. It's another thing completely to vote FOR something and walk out of the booth feeling genuinely proud of what you just did.
