Friday, November 7, 2008

Let's Curb That Irresponsible Republican Spending

By passing a new stimulus package!

Personally I'm too rich to get a stimulus check, but it makes me feel patriotic to help out my fellow Americans. It doesn't bother me that I worked my ass off all year and paid way more taxes than the people who will be getting the checks. This way is more fair for everyone. I love socialism.

The stimulus package will also help increase our interest payments to China and Japan. Kick ass!


  1. It seems every politician thinks economic stimulus checks are a good idea. They're like a bandaid on a severed limb.

    To be fair though, the article says nothing about how much or any income restrictions, so the socialism reference is a bit pre-mature.

  2. There will surely be income restrictions. Why would he remove the income restrictions when taxing the "rich" is his entire prerogative. Those evil rich people who maintain good credit scores and get fixed mortgages

  3. The ironic part about stimulus packages and bailouts is it neglects to help the responsible people who are paying their bills, not defaulting on mortgages and not over extending themselves. Great example we are setting here Uncle Sam: Reward Wall Street, Reward irresponsible delinquent home owners... punish the "rich".

  4. And before someone says "but the responsible people don't need help" I'll say this: Yes they do. Barely paying your bills does not equal security. They need help not only financially, but they morally need to know that their hard work and sacrifice was the right thing to do.... unless we want to be France, in which case where is my 35 hour work week.

  5. Yet another bailout:
