Saturday, November 15, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

Charter for religious harmony

Good timing on this article after the last religion post. 

"Charter for Compassion invites people from "all faiths, nationalities, languages and backgrounds" to help draft statements of principles and actions that should be taken."

The question is: Are atheists happy or angered or indifferent? 


  1. I'm not sure what your question means. But I think this "Charter for Religious Harmony" has an even smaller chance that the Fairness Doctrine of fulfilling its intended purpose.

  2. that = than

    Another thing with this comment format is that you can't go back and edit.

  3. The question is how do atheists feel about the religions of the world getting together to team up on morality and faith? I'm not an atheist so I can imagine atheists are either worried, happy or indifferent... what do you think?

    Obviously the article is a pipe dream... I'm talking about the intent and/or possibility of it.

  4. I don't think anyone believes an organized effort "on behalf of all religions of the world" is anything other than a PR stunt.

    I think an atheist would look at something like this and say, "Yeah, get back to me when you all really stop killing each other in the name of [insert deity of choice] over sacred patches of sand/how much of a woman's skin should be covered/whether or not pork is OK to eat/7 crappy counties in Ireland/etc..."

  5. Ditto on Jimmy's last comment.

  6. They lost me with this: "the backing of technology industry and Hollywood elite"

    Google getting their hands in religion... what does an atheist think of that! Can I get a gGod account?
