Friday, November 7, 2008

Politics as Sport

I'm already seeing with this blog exactly what has turned me off about American politics for the last decade. It saddens me to no end to see political discourse reduced to rooting for one team against the other. Railing constantly against why "The Other Guy" sucks... Us vs. Them, Black vs. White. It's not that I don't enjoy spirited debate; Anyone who knows me knows that's not true. I guess it's just that what passes for political "discourse" today is ultimately so tiring and unproductive.

I like to think that we're above all this, not only as friends on this page, but as a country. But when I see someone with advanced degrees from respected, accredited institutions explaining how he's not going to refer to people as "niggers" despite his better judgment, I really wonder where we're headed.

When people actually think that Barack Obama is a covert muslim hellbent on converting us all, or that John McCain truly believes "wealthy" is defined as an income of $5 million or more... I just don't know how answer to beliefs like that. Trying to respond to such things is like drinking from a firehose of stupid.

Chuck D once referred to the "dumbassification" of America, on all sides, and I can't help but wonder if he's right. Society, by it's very nature, is supposed to progress... But have we reached the end of evolution?


  1. Holy crap, my next post was going to totally be about "Us vs Them", seeing black and white, and how that stems from the same human traits that cause us to root for the home team. Creepy. I guess I will still write it, but as a comment here.

  2. 'But when I see someone with advanced degrees from respected, accredited institutions explaining how he's not going to refer to people as "niggers" despite his better judgment, I really wonder where we're headed.'

    So now you're saying I'm a racist? The entire point of my Hyphenated-America post is that we should drop the hyphens and just be Americans.

    I said I would not drop the N bomb, despite being politically incorrect, because Mike and Kojiro both did it in the previous posts.

  3. I don't think that paragraph came out right, Jimmy, you may want to revise it to make it more clear. It didn't make sense to me when I read it.

  4. Jimmy, what exactly ticked you off so much? Sounds like you are being overly sensitive here. I don't think anyones posts or replies have been out of character. In fact, some of your replies have treaded on the same dumbification. Lighten up. You are basically attacking all of us for doing exactly what we intended this blog to be: sarcastic, offensive, dialog about the state of the world.
    "I just don't know how answer to beliefs like that. Trying to respond to such things is like drinking from a firehose of stupid."
    I don't believe anyone said anything overtly stupid.

  5. This was Jimmy's first response to my first post this morning:
    "What, no comments allowed on your posts? So I can't deconstruct your dumbass argumentS?"
    Where's the spirited debate?

  6. Nope, the stupid from a firehose comment was about discourse in general. Not everything's about you, Michael.

  7. RE: My first response to Mike's post this morning.

    I take no responsibility for anything I say before noon. Either too much caffeine or not enough.

  8. >>Not everything's about you, Michael.
    Yeah, but your post seemed to attack the blog, not discourse in general. It was oddly worded. You kinda blended comments about the us into some general critique.
