Saturday, November 22, 2008

Obama: 'Millions of jobs' in danger next year

Obama: 'Millions of jobs' in danger next year

" President-elect Barack Obama said on Saturday that he was crafting an aggressive, two-year stimulus plan to revive the troubled economy, warning that swift action was needed to prevent a deep slump and a spiral of falling prices."

Didn't we just do that with the $700b ??

Obama in October called for a $175 billion stimulus measure, but his comments in the radio address on Saturday signaled he was prepared to push for a much larger package, though he did not give a price-tag.

What? So is Barack just jealous that Bush beat him to two bailouts before he took office? 

"But what is not negotiable is the need for immediate action."

Huh? Wasn't that the line we got fed 2 months ago?


  1. We can pay for the bailouts with stimulus checks.

  2. And we can pay for the stimulus checks with underpants.

    Phase 1 - Collect all the underpants
    Phase 2 - ?
    Phase 3 - Bailout

    Underpants Gnomes

  3. Iraq's running surpluses... Maybe they can help out.
