Friday, November 7, 2008

Let's Curb that Irresponsible Democratic Spending

Woo-hoo! Round and round we go!

Edit: Skip ahead to 2:16 if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

PS - I thought we could post inline YouTube clips?


  1. When McCain wants to tax the rich, it's simply progressive taxation. When Obama says it, it's socialism. Go figure.

  2. He said, "somewhat more" and it "should not be out of proportion."

    How is that like Obama? Obama wants to tax the rich disproportionately. You guys don't even understand your own video.

  3. I never heard Obama say "I want to tax the rich disproportionately." "Disproportionately" is relative. And WTF is "somewhat more"? 5% more? 10%? 30%? Maybe I think McCain's tax ideas are disproportionate. Who's to say I was wrong? Where's the scale of disproportionality? Can someone go find that? Is it backstage?

  4. A progressive income tax is what we've had for decades. No one is debating that. Obama's voting record, campaign platform and speeches have indicated that we will raise taxes disproportionaly on the rich, no one should be debating that either.

    The debate is around who pays what share. Stimulus packages and bailouts are paid for with my taxes and I got nothing in return. ... like I said, where's my 35 hour work week, I'm going to start taking it easy during the Obama administration.

  5. Uh, no. The debate as originally introduced is that Obama wants to tax the rich more (and is a communist?). Well, so does/did McCain. I understand that your shit stinks more if your in charge, but don't pretend your own guys haven't backed the same policies.

  6. >>Obama wants to tax the rich more (and is a communist?)

    Socialist, yes. Taxing to redistribute wealth. See Joe the Plumber.

    >>Don't pretend your own guys haven't backed the same policies.

    I voted for Bush, which coincidentally came with the "Bush" "Tax" "Cuts"... isn't that "odd"?
    Though I did "vote" for Clinton and that came without Bush tax cuts.... but during the Clinton administration I wasn't making any money and that is probably why I didn't care and probably also why so many 18-24 year olds voted for Obama.

  7. If you guys had any idea what you were talking about, you would know that Obama wants to raise the brackets back to pre-Bush levels. That's what he means when he says he will get rid of the "Bush tax cuts for rich people." How can you say that McCain wanted to raise the taxes on wealthy people as much as Obama? That's just plain wrong.


    From Nov 3rd Chicago Sun Times, Obama's backyard.

    This not that difficult guys. Obama is going to raise taxes significantly. It won't be just income tax either, it will be income tax, business tax, capital gains tax, estate tax... and wait for it, yes, 401k.

  9. 0% for some people and 39% for others is pretty disproportionate. Especially considering how much more 39% of $1,000,000 is compared to 25% of $50,000. ($390,000 vs $12,500) At least Bush helped bring that 39% down by lowering different taxes.
