Friday, November 7, 2008


While I won't be dropping N bombs on this blog, I don't like to be PC. I hate Obama because he's a liberal, not because he's black. He's not even black anyways. He's the least black guy in the history of black guys. He's not even Tiger Woods black.

I'm more of a Jap than Obama is a black. I was actually raised by my Japanese parent. I actually speak Japanese. Does Obama speak Swahili? I doubt it. Am I a Japanese-American? Fuck no. I'm an American. I don't hyphenate my race and nationality. African-American my fuckin ass. Drop the hyphens and just be Americans.

Some people with hyphens are 3rd, 4th, 5th generation Americans. They don't speak a lick of their ancestral language, and neither did their parents. Here's a hyphen for those people: douche-bags.

It sickens me how big of a part race played in this election. Race shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with it. I just hope this election satisfied the "historical" aspect of electing someone who is not white. Would I vote for George Takei because he's Japanese? No way. I would vote for him because he's Sulu.

Takei is American by the way.


  1. Here here. Unfortunately, the next election will be the "everyone vote for the woman" election. Either Hillary, Palin, or (my choice) Condoleezza Rice. I think Rice should have ran this election and beat everyone into the ground. Black, female, and a brain. Easy winner.

  2. "There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all." - Teddy Roosevelt

  3. >>Black, female, and a brain. Easy winner.
    Again, a typical liberal statement. Why would someones race or sex make them more apt to win? To echo NRAJay, I don't hate Obama because he is black, I hate his ideas. Why is it that Conservatives are so often the color blind ones and Liberal so quick to groups us in categories? Not only group us, but apply some sort of value to these groups.

  4. Lol, I wasn't saying I would vote for her because she is black and female, I was saying she would have easily won because others will vote for those reasons (as the exit polls showed).
