Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The GOP loses its way

CNN: Conservatives didn't lose election, GOP did
"Republicans have campaigned on the conservative themes of lower taxes, less government and more freedom -- they just haven't governed that way."

I couldn't agree more... thank you Bush for paving the way for Obama. 


  1. Absolutely.

    The only reason Kerry didn't win is because he's a giant douchebag.

  2. It's time for a schism in the GOP. Fundie nutbags on one side, true conservatives on the other. I feel it could work if the democrats would do the same thing. Corporate-centrists on one side, social progressives on the other.

  3. I think McCain could have done that but he caved to the pressure. I lost a lot of respect for him when he played it safe during the $700b bailout. And while I liked Palin, McCain should have picked Joe Lieberman, I honestly believe that is what McCain wanted to do, but he caved to the money and the nutjobs.

    McCain missed an opportunity to do something great... he missed it.

  4. You liked Palin? Really? What exactly about her did you like?

  5. I 'liked' her I didn't 'love' her. I'm not going to debate her qualifications, that is last months debate. My point being I loved Lieberman and its a damn shame the Democrats are booting him out of the party.

  6. McCain didn't act very Mavericky when I wanted him to.

  7. Talk about hypersensitivity. I just wondered what you liked about her. She appealed to the fundie nutbags. As far as I know, you're not a fundie nutbag.

  8. I didn't think my response was hypersensitive, wasn't meant to be. I wanted to clarify my "like" of Palin...

    McCain should have gone way towards the center in an uber-Maverick move (picking Lieberman for example) or gone back way conservative (anti-bailout). His campaign tried to please everyone, except William Ayers.
