Friday, November 14, 2008

Gun Owner = Sex Offender?

Gun Owners not Welcome on Obama's White House Team

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Nov. 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):

In yet another example of hostility towards lawful firearm owners, the Obama transition team is weeding out applicants for White House positions who own firearms themselves, or who come from firearm-owning families.

Evidence of the Obama team's distaste for firearm owners may be found as Question 59 of a 63 item questionnaire administered by Obama staffers to all potential applicants for positions in the Obama White House. The question asks for sensitive information about firearms owned by the applicant and his/her family.

"Question 59 provides clear insight into how Obama and his people perceive firearm owners," said ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. The questionnaire poses a number of questions asking the applicant to reveal any unethical activities, or embarrassing Internet chats, then wraps up by asking if anyone in the applicant's family owns a firearm. Obviously, Obama feels that owning a firearm is akin to talking dirty in Internet chat rooms. But that should come as no surprise as, while an Illinois State Senator, Obama voted for SB1195 - a provision of which called for gun owners to be registered in the same manner as sex offenders."

"Once again, we have to ask ourselves just what candidate Obama was talking about when he said he has 'respect' for the 2nd Amendment," commented Pearson. "If this latest assault on gun owners is considered a gesture of respect, then either Obama or myself is very confused."

A copy of the questionnaire may be found at

The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Founded in 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of millions of law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.


SOURCE Illinois State Rifle Association


  1. That's a bit sensationalist. That whole questionnaire is looking for any reason that the potential hire might be an embarrassment to the administration (it asks for web links to your MySpace and Facebook in the question right above the gun one). If you've caused personal harm or property damage with a gun, that's kind of embarrassing and could end up as a press fiasco.

  2. I have to agree with Kojiro here... I don't think asking about gun ownership is any different than asking about MyBook or FriendSpace or any more detailed than any of the other questions on that list.

    That is a very thorough list. If he didn't ask about gun ownership I would have been surprised.It wasn't even really about ownership, it was more like if you own a gun is it registered properly etc.

  3. Yeah, seriously, anyone who's ever had anything to do with a federal background check wouldn't think questions about guns or anything else are out of line.

    I haven't been checked myself, but I have been called twice by military personnel about friends of mine in the Army who were going for positions with high security clearance. When you're going for these positions, they apparently ask you for a list of basically everyone you've ever known. Everything is fair game.

    That's the military - I can't imagine working high in the executive branch is treated any less seriously.

  4. WTF does it matter if you own a legal firearm?

    I'm sure that saying that you do own firearms counts against you on the questionnaire.

  5. You're assuming that they care only if you own a firearm. There's more to it than that. Did you read the full question?
    "Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information. Has the registration ever lapsed? Please also describe how and by whom it is used and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage."
    They want dirt on you. They will use the registration on the gun to see if it has ever been implicated in a crime. And if you ever accidentally shot someone or something, you aren't getting the job. At this level, sounds reasonable.

  6. Do you really think not a single person will work in the Obama White House who has ever hunted or owns a gun? Seriously? With all the conservative, pro-gun democrats, there's no WAY that would fly.

    I hate to sound like an Obama apologist, because I'm not. But come on.

  7. ...and using the terms "conservative" and "pro-gun", I didn't mean to tie them together as mutually inclusive.

    I'm a bedwetting liberal and I want a gun. So's my brother and he owns at least two handguns. AND he lives in California. Suck on that, NRA.

  8. The vast majority of guns are not registered. But I'm sure that will change under Obama Bin Biden.

  9. "owns at least two handguns. AND he lives in California. Suck on that, NRA."

    Thanks to liberals like you there are many restrictions on what handguns he can own in CA, and only criminals can carry them in public.

  10. "owns at least two handguns. AND he lives in California. Suck on that, NRA."

    Right, but is he also a homo? That would really tick off the NRA.

  11. Thanks to liberals like you there are many restrictions on what handguns he can own in CA, and only criminals can carry them in public.

    If it were up to liberals like me, nobody but non-white muslim terrorist babykilling muslim presidents-elect muslims would have the guns. But you jesus loving secessionists out in your desert compounds decide to come out into public every 4 years and try to queer the deal for us. We need another Lennon/Lenin.

  12. That comment made no sense.

    But I like how you keep saying "live in a desert and buy guns". What's your city called? Is Raleigh even a city? Or is it a town? And do you even live within Raleigh limits? Or is it some other town? I live in Las Vegas. It's a city in Nevada.

    You're way more cosmopolitan than me. I wish we were as NASCAR evolved as you.

  13. Yeah, that didn't make any sense. I gotta stop posting after drinking heavily.

  14. haha, I was hammered when I posted too.

    $2 Crown at Plaza. Also they closed Jillians on Fremont for good last night, to make room for the Star Trek Experience.

  15. Also they closed Jillians on Fremont for good last night, to make room for the Star Trek Experience.


  16. Finally, something we can all agree on.
