Thursday, November 6, 2008

Semi-Auto Ban - The United States of California?

This is my first post from the now blue state of Nevada. The uneducated, non-English speaking, lurching man-children, suped up Civic driving, service job sheep, and Californians, have moved into Las Vegas in large enough numbers to turn the state blue. It is a sad day for the state and nation. They had paperwork at the polls in Spanish. I don't understand why, since you need to be an American citizen to vote. Apparently dropping an anchor baby also gives you instant suffrage.

But hey, voting for Obama is the hip thing to do. You need to listen to Ashton Kutcher and P Diddy. Get in line with the other sheep! I heard with the purchase of every flat brim hip-hop checkered Yankees cap at Lids you get a free Obama bumper sticker. And don't forget how Kanye said that voting for McCain is racist. You don't want to be racist.

I'm ranting. This post isn't about the election. This post is about the bill of rights, and the 2nd amendment in particular. Obama is the most anti-gun president in the history of the US.

Obama: "My first priority will be to reinstate the assault weapons ban as soon as I take office. Within 90 days, we will go back after kitchen table dealers, and work to end the gun show and internet sales loopholes. In the first year, I intend to work with Congress on a national no carry law, 1 gun a month purchase limits, and bans on all semi-automatic guns." [1]

Banning semi-autos means banning pretty much every gun, except for bolt action rifles and pump shotguns. But get this, they also want to ban hunting calibers like .223, 7.62, 30-06, .308. Meaning, even bolt action rifles will essentially be banned too. The idea is to make it so difficult to sell guns in the US, that all of the evil firearm manufacturers like Winchester and Remington go out of business.

There is a correlation between gun control and crime. Crime goes DOWN when you arm the law abiding citizens. Clinton's ban did nothing to prevent crime [2], but Obama wants to bring it back with no sunset clause. And this assault ban is just the beginning. If a semi-auto ban passes, it will be the death of the second amendment. Then your life and liberty will be solely in the hands of the government.

The liberals know that gun control doesn't work, but they go after our guns because it makes the sheep feel safe. It makes the sheep happy. But don't be fooled.

[1] Barack Obama, VPC Fund Raiser, 2007


  1. Gun control is, unfortunately, one of the typical Democratic tools for pandering to the crime-ridden poor neighborhoods. As you've said in the past, gun control only affects law abiding citizens. Waste of gov't time and money.

  2. Just a question, and I'm taking no stance on this. What do the words "well regulated militia" mean to you?

  3. Also, I like the citation of the NRA's lobbying organization. Does that mean I can cite the Thirteen Sons of Jerry Garcia in my argument for drug legalization?

  4. Good question.

    Well it's not so much what "well regulated militia" means to ME. What matters is what it meant to the guys who wrote the bill of rights. Our current leaders want to create their own interpretations of the constitution, but it unequivocally states that we are allowed to own guns.

    The militia means armed private citizens. In many of the writings by people like Sam Adams, they refer to the militia as "free citizens" and "men". They do not refer to them as an army. Today's National Guard would be called an army by them. In times of war, the militia would be directed by the government, assuming the government was not the enemy the militia was fighting.

    The founding fathers didn't want Americans to be disarmed like the citizens of Europeans kingdoms. They knew and wrote that the first step to oppressing people is to disarm them. It has happened so many times throughout history, and it is still happening today. The British tried it with us in Boston.

    The idea is that if the citizens of the US are all armed, they are more powerful than any army of any government could ever be. It protects us from invasion, and it protects us from an oppressive government.

    The second amendment is one of the things that really makes us better than all the pussies overseas. They all turned their firearms in to the government when oppressive gun control laws were passed. Americans would never give up their guns without a civil war.

    A well regulated militia is the ultimate in checks and balances.

  5. The difference between gun control and marijuana is that one is mentioned in the Constitution and the other isn't.
    Liberals seem to forget that if its not in the Constitution its left to the states. So no, pot arguments are not the same as gun arguments.

  6. I wasn't comparing pot to guns, red-drum beater. I was commenting on his citation of statistics from an obviously biased source.

  7. When are we going to stop assuming that there are magic unbiased news outlets? Who cares if articles are biased... it doesn't mean they are wrong.
    When I listen to the Georgia Tech Sports Radio station their stats are not wrong because they cover Georgia Tech. Maybe there needs to be a Fairness Doctrine for sports talk radio. I don't think crappy teams like Raiders are getting enough coverage on Atlanta talk radio. Not fair, not fair!
